Overseas Travel Vaccinations
From 1st April 2022, the way you receive your vaccinations for overseas travel will change. This means that you will no longer receive these from the practice. Instead, you can book your vaccination via one of the following outlets. These changes apply to both adult and childhood travel vaccinations.
In NHS GGC you will be able to receive your vaccination from one of the following providers:-
If you live in North West Glasgow, please contact -
Call 0141 816 1002.
If you live in any other area of NHSGGC
Call 0800 917 6115
Four travel vaccines are provided by the NHS. These are DPT, Typhoid, Cholera and Hepatitis A. Other vaccines will incur a charge. To find our more about the vaccination you may require for your travel destination, you can visit the Fit for Travel Website at fitfortravel.nhs.uk
Please click on the QR code.